I grew up in Czech mountains. When I was nineteen, I was supposed to continue my education at a university. Instead, my friend and I packed our stuff and left for London.
I stayed in London for ten years. I don't like that city much, but the people are amazing and I learned so much from them. During the ten years, I worked as an assistant manager at a coffee shop, hitchhiked around Europe and Asia, herded goats in Spanish mountains, became a qualified scaffolder and worked on some of the largest scaffolds in London, graduated as an engineer, fell in and out of love (twice), confronted my fears, tested all kinds of illicit substances, dug out a big hole under a house (without collapsing the house), and somehow managed to survive intact.
After London, I moved to Glasgow in search of peaceful life. Instead, I wrote a dystopian transgressive fiction book. It's called Hell in Spitting Distance and it's about suicide, how modern technologies makes us mad, and what we do to each other. You can buy it here.
Then, after two years in Glasgow, I moved back to the Czech Republic and settled in Prague. I'm still not sure what am I doing, but I'm trying to put my skills and experience into use as a project manager for a construction company.
Medium is for me a way to stay connected to the English-speaking world, and to practice my English.